Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
by Lorna Martin
📕 Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown ~ READ MORE 📕
- Publisher: Not Avail
- Release date: September 19, 2008
- Genres: fiction
- Language: english
- Author: Lorna Martin
- ISBN: 9780719524516 (0719524512)
- Format: paperback, 320 pages
About The Book
Lorna Martin’s life is in chaos and she needs to make some big changes. After all, there must be a reason she keeps chasing after the wrong men, making toe-curling blunders at work and generally failing to keep her life on track. Egged on by her friends, she signs up for the talking cure: a year of therapy with the frosty Dr J. Along the way, she catches sight of the holy grail of true love in the shape of the gorgeous Dr McDreamy. But will Lorna find her own happy ending? With support (and not a little exasperation) from her friends and long-suffering sister, some serious setting-the-world-to-rights sessions involving too many bottles of wine, and the help of her inscrutable shrink, Lorna feels she might be getting her life together. Revealing, intimate and highly entertaining, Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown is a must-read for any woman who loves the idea of being in love and worries about settling for second best.
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