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    Virginia Fahey

    Mercies and Miracles
    (The Fairhaven Chronicles, #2)
    by Sharon Downing Jarvis

    Mercies and Miracles • CLICK HERE

    • Release date: March 1, 2004
    • Format: paperback, 297 pages
    • Author: Sharon Downing Jarvis
    • ISBN: 9781590382189 (1590382188)
    • Genres: fiction, lds
    • Publisher: Shadow Mountain
    • Series: The Fairhaven Chronicles, #2
    • Language: english

    About The Book

    What will happen next in the Fairhaven families we’ve come to love?

    The folks in Fairhaven find themselves, along with the rest of the country, reeling in the aftermath o the September eleventh attacks. In spite of the impact on their hearts, most summon the courage to carry on with their lives. Bishop Jim Shepherd does his best to keep things on an even keel as he ministers to the varying needs of his ward members and tries to bring in from the fringes of Church activity a number of sheep who have wandered. But even his own daughter, Tiffani, suddenly seems to have ideas that don’t always mesh with her dad’s way of thinking.

    In book two of The Fairhaven Chronicles, author Sharon Downing Jarvis offers fascinating insight into the workings of a tiny LDS ward located in a small Alabama town, depicting through the eyes of the congenial and caring bishop the mercies and miracles that touch the lives of not only the Saints but also their neighbors.

    MOBI ebook Mercies and Miracles. FB2 Mercies and Miracles by Sharon Downing Jarvis download for Mac on Walmart. Hardcover book Mercies and Miracles Sharon Downing Jarvis buy PocketBook.

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